
A Walk In The Park

This one is not the sharpest of the bunch but I think the bokeh is pretty nice 

and here's a croped version:
Pentax K-x, SMC DAL 50-200 F4-5.6 ED, 1/200s, f4.5, ISO 100, Focal length: 137.5mm (207mm FF scale). Full exif available.
see the original photos here & here

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  1. hi,

    i personally don't like the bokeh - if you'll look closely the background is pretty crowded due to the open spaces between the branches ;-)
    and it's not as creamy as it shoud be.
    but I like the way you cropped..

  2. thanks for your comment Tudor,

    I agree with you about the busy background, I believe the sun coming from the front wasn't to favorable, and still I was impressed of this outcome. maybe it was potential I saw, but I expected less of this cheep telephoto
